BIPOC Support Group (for students in the School of Medicine)
March 06, 2025 | 8:30am - 9:30am
This is a 6-session student-lead support group for School of Medicine BIPOC students, with 2 MHT clinicians serving as host facilitators.
In this supportive space, students come as they are, share mutual support, and foster community. Students build tools to navigate academic and professional stressors, cope with anxiety, process issues rooted in systemic oppression, decrease impostor feelings, and process other student lead topics.
This group is open to registered BioSci PhD/MS, MSPA, and MD students of all genders who identify as people of color. This group series is being offered with a mixture of in-person and virtual platforms.
- Facilitated by Isela Garcia White, LCSW, and Mariko Sweetnam, LCSW
- A pre-group meeting with a facilitator is required. Students can sign up on the “*INTEREST_LIST_SOM_BIPOC Student Support_WINTER_Q” in Vaden Portal rosters, in the "Groups and Workshops" section. A facilitator will reach out to you to schedule a pre-group meeting.