June 2023
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Events Calendar



Online Class

Heal Your Posture, Heal Your Back

Do your back, shoulders, and neck hurt during the day and leave you exhausted in the evening? Did you know that the same guidelines that improve your posture can also cure your back?...




Self-Myofascial Release – Emphasizing Self-Care to Improve Your Body’s Movement

Do you have muscle tightness or soreness? You may find relief through self-myofacial release - a practice that involves applying gentle, sustained pressure to the connective tissues around the muscles to eliminate pain...



Wellness Event

Weekly Integrated Holistic Yoga Classes for members of the Stanford Community

These weekly classes are taught by YogaX alums who are well-versed in teaching Integrated Holistic Yoga, which is a practice of accessibility and belonging, intentionality, and beneficence that honors the whole person and offers a wide variety of yoga practices.  Meets every Wednesday 6-7p via zoom.  Free for faculty, staff, and students at Stanford. 



Wellness Event

Yoga With Intention – A Weekly Gentle Practice for Individuals Dealing with Breast Cancer

A yoga series developed specifically for individuals dealing with breast cancer, whether in recovery or post-treatment.   Meets every Thursday 9-10a via zoom.  Free. 



Wellness Event

YogaX 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training: Advanced Applications of Yoga in Healthcare and Allied Healthcare Settings (Rolling Admission)

Specifically designed for individuals who want to teach therapeutic yoga in healthcare settings The YogaX RYT300 YTT program is rooted in a comprehensive curriculum that delves traditional and modern yoga philosophy, ancient yoga psychologies, contemporary psychological research, evidence-based practices, neuroscience, and social science. Led by experienced teachers with extensive teaching experience, yoga therapy backgrounds, and ...




How a Longer Lifespan Affects Retirement Planning

Americans are living longer than ever, yet more than half of American adults don’t know how long they can expect to live in retirement. This understanding of life expectancy, or longevity literacy...



In Person Class

Make Your Own Kimchi at the Stanford Educational Farm

Curious about pickling, fermentation, or food preservation, but maybe a bit intimidated by the process? Join us for this hands-on kimchi workshop. We'll explore the science behind food fermentation and discuss best practices...



Online Class

Intuitive Eating

Are you tired of the endless dieting-cycles and body loathing? Do you analyze every food decision? Have you stopped trusting yourself around food? Diets are not only a low ROI endeavor, they can...



Wellness Event

Weekly Integrated Holistic Yoga Classes for members of the Stanford Community

These weekly classes are taught by YogaX alums who are well-versed in teaching Integrated Holistic Yoga, which is a practice of accessibility and belonging, intentionality, and beneficence that honors the whole person and offers a wide variety of yoga practices.  Meets every Wednesday 6-7p via zoom.  Free for faculty, staff, and students at Stanford. 



Online Class

Window, Mirror, Map – Making Art for Joy and Self-Care

Discover how to build community and connection through engaging in a self-reflective creative process. In this 3-session online class, we will explore ways of making art for joy and self-care. Our three projects...



Wellness Event

Yoga With Intention – A Weekly Gentle Practice for Individuals Dealing with Breast Cancer

A yoga series developed specifically for individuals dealing with breast cancer, whether in recovery or post-treatment.   Meets every Thursday 9-10a via zoom.  Free. 



Online Class

Discerning Self-Care from Self-Sabotage

High achieving professionals notoriously struggle with self-critical thoughts that often lead to minimizing self-care and feeling guilt when not being "productive." Yet self-care is not self-indulgence. This investment in your well-being is critical...



Online Class

My Working Life – Building Better Integration Into Your Everyday

With the many demands we often have on our time and energy, work-life conflict is unavoidable. When we make work and life decisions that are reflective of our values and priorities, the impact...



In Person Class

Flourishing Through Nature-Based Meditations

For millennia, people have found refuge and resilience by practicing contemplative meditation in nature. This transformative combination supports joy, peace, a sense of belonging, wisdom, nourishment, and stewardship of personal and planetary well-being....



Online Class

Sit and Stand Comfortably at Your Computer Station

Do you put up with nagging tension or discomfort while working? Even minor tension, if ignored, can contribute to repetitive strain injury or neck and shoulder pain. The way you use your workstation...



Online Class

Balance Your Body through Basic Nutrition

Homeostasis describes how the human body regulates fluid, nutrients, and temperature balance. American diet culture tells us that "clean eating," fasting, and cleansing are the best ways to find balance. These messages lead...



Wellness Event

YogaX IAYT-Q 300-Hour Program: Integrated Holistic Yoga Therapeutics in Healthcare (Rolling Admission)

Specifically designed for healthcare professionals who want to integrate therapeutic yoga practices and principles into their healthcare practice This advanced therapeutic yoga program is the first of its kind in the nation accredited by the International Association of Yoga Therapists under a new clinical yoga training pathway for qualified health professionals. The IAYT-Q program is ...



Wellness Event

Weekly Integrated Holistic Yoga Classes for members of the Stanford Community

These weekly classes are taught by YogaX alums who are well-versed in teaching Integrated Holistic Yoga, which is a practice of accessibility and belonging, intentionality, and beneficence that honors the whole person and offers a wide variety of yoga practices.  Meets every Wednesday 6-7p via zoom.  Free for faculty, staff, and students at Stanford. 



Wellness Event

Yoga With Intention – A Weekly Gentle Practice for Individuals Dealing with Breast Cancer

A yoga series developed specifically for individuals dealing with breast cancer, whether in recovery or post-treatment.   Meets every Thursday 9-10a via zoom.  Free. 



Online Class

FUNdamental Skills – Improv for Health and Well-Being

We constantly hear about the importance of interpersonal skills, calling on us to be “compassionate, flexible, resilient, communicative,” to name a few. These sound great, but how do we actually put those skills...



Wellness Event

YogaX Therapeutic Yoga for Mental Health 60-Hour Certificate Program (Rolling Admission)

Specifically designed for advanced yoga teachers and healthcare professionals who want to support their clientele with tailored yoga interventions that support emotional and mental wellbeing, resilience, and thriving. The program is delivered in two 30-hour modules, which allows for rolling admissions and great flexibility for trainees.



In Person Class

The Lost Birds Sculptures Art Walk

Join us for a free exploration of the intersection of art and nature on Stanford Campus. During the session, we will visit each of the five human-scaled sculptures of The Lost Bird Project...




Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Co-Sponsored by the Stanford CIO Council Neurodiversity in IT ProgramNeurodiversity is the range of common differences in thinking and behavior which we now understand to be normal variations in humans. This includes conditions...



Online Class

Traditional Oriental Medicine

This practical introduction to the ancient wisdom of Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM), also often called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is a five-session online class series in which knowledge and practical self-care skills are...



Online Class

Unleash Your Inner Superhero

Have you ever wondered about your own superpowers and how you can use them to support others and causes you truly care about? Whether it's through empathy, mindfulness, resilience, communication, organization, writing, or...



In Person Class

Strawberry Celebration at the Stanford Educational Farm

Summer is strawberry season! These sweet and juicy jewels of summer are perfect in an ice-cold lemonade, smothered in a blanket of whipped cream, or just popped into your mouth straight from the...



Online Class

Empowering Health Behavior Change

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your attempts to adopt healthier habits? Don't let the cycle of unfulfilled intentions discourage you! This online workshop will equip you with the tools and strategies...



Wellness Event

Weekly Integrated Holistic Yoga Classes for members of the Stanford Community

These weekly classes are taught by YogaX alums who are well-versed in teaching Integrated Holistic Yoga, which is a practice of accessibility and belonging, intentionality, and beneficence that honors the whole person and offers a wide variety of yoga practices.  Meets every Wednesday 6-7p via zoom.  Free for faculty, staff, and students at Stanford. 



Wellness Event

Yoga With Intention – A Weekly Gentle Practice for Individuals Dealing with Breast Cancer

A yoga series developed specifically for individuals dealing with breast cancer, whether in recovery or post-treatment.   Meets every Thursday 9-10a via zoom.  Free. 



Online Class

Cook Your Way to Better Health

Are you tired of relying on takeout and processed foods, but struggling to find time and motivation to cook at home? Join us to learn some practical tips to make preparing your own...



Online Class

Unplug from a Busy Mind Meditations

Our minds are considered to be our most valuable asset, but when incessant thinking, daydreaming, or random thoughts distract us, our own mind can become a barrier to deep peace.Research has shown...



Online Class

The Art of Saying No – Setting Boundaries for a Healthier You

Feeling overwhelmed or resentful? If you're caught in a cycle of overcommitment or struggle with saying no, this online workshop is for you.Over two interactive sessions, we'll delve into the art of...




Simple and Seasonal Summer Grilling

Nothing says summer quite like grilling outdoors with friends and family. While hot dogs and burgers may be the traditional fare, it is time to elevate your grilling game and support your health!...



Wellness Event

Weekly Integrated Holistic Yoga Classes for members of the Stanford Community

These weekly classes are taught by YogaX alums who are well-versed in teaching Integrated Holistic Yoga, which is a practice of accessibility and belonging, intentionality, and beneficence that honors the whole person and offers a wide variety of yoga practices.  Meets every Wednesday 6-7p via zoom.  Free for faculty, staff, and students at Stanford.